How to Move Forward After the Pandemic


I’m pleased to present this guest post from Naomi Johnson at!

While we can’t be certain when the coronavirus pandemic will officially end, we do know one thing: we have to get back to work and continue to feed our economy. But, with all of the uncertainty, how, exactly are you supposed to reopen while keeping both your bottom line and the safety of your customers and employees at heart?

It Starts With Marketing

Marketing is simply the act of shining a light on your business, whether you provide a service or create custom products. And, ultimately, everything you do is part of your marketing strategy.

One of the most cost-effective ways to promote your company during a reopening is to get involved in your community. You might, for example, sit in on meetings at local committees such as a planning commission or an economic development authority. It will give you a chance to network with local powers that be and other small business owners, as well as a chance to keep your finger on the pulse of what’s happening in your town.

By knowing what’s going on in your hometown, you can begin to strategize. You can also take part in community events by sponsoring things like local sports teams, volunteering, or participating in health, safety, or other types of community fairs.

Your Digital Strategy Matters

When you’re working on a marketing plan, make it a point to pay close attention to your digital strategies. You can utilize analytics and automation marketing tools to help you better target where your money is best spent. This will help you create marketing campaigns that target your customers where they are and when they are ready to spend.

Your digital world is perhaps more important than your brick-and-mortar locations, and it is perhaps the best way to keep up with your tech-savvy customers. Meeting their expectations for relevance and speed ensures your business and product are seen as viable. 

Another important facet in your digital infrastructure is your employees. Don’t be afraid to reorganize your business structure to allow for remote access, because if the pandemic has taught us one thing, it’s that not all business has to be conducted onsite. Employees who work from home are often more productive and will be more loyal since they have a better home/work balance. Remote work reduces viral spread as well.

Keep in mind, however, the one major caveat of having an off-location workforce is security weaknesses. Encourage your employees to make sure their home's internet connection is encrypted, they are not sharing their devices with their spouses or children, and that each work-related system has up-to-date antivirus software installed.

 Grassroots Makes a Comeback

 Although your digital world is crucial, after months of isolation, people crave a connection. In as safe of a way as possible, don’t be afraid to get out there and on the ground with your customers. Grassroots marketing utilizes word-of-mouth, free samples, social media, and strategic partnerships with other businesses. 

SMB marketing expert Brandon Gaille offers several examples, such as community events and product samples, and notes that this type of outreach strategy broadcasts to a much smaller, niche audience. This is considerably more budget-friendly than far-reaching campaigns that may or may not reach your ideal customer. 

When it is time to relaunch your business, you may need to get creative and look for ways to keep up with the ever-changing times. Of course, you will do what you can to keep your customers safe, but that’s only half the battle. Technology, grassroots marketing, and the happiness of your employees are what will take you through the roughest of times. So get ready to reopen, and look to the future with a plan!